I understand the importance of the international economy and China’s role as a supplier of affordably priced products. However, it is completely necessary to judge the quality of the things that go in to our children’s mouths. This recent article, “Asbestos Found in Kid’s Crayons” just further emphasizes this fact. Regulations regarding quality of products are not as strict, nor are they as tightly monitored in China as they are here making it difficult to trust the quality of any toy or product that says “Made in China.” A simple Google search nicely illustrates this fact:
Please consider paying a little bit more money for “Made in the USA” and avoid potentially dangerous (and expensive) health consequences in the future. This article from Green American gives a nice summary of the potential hazards in toys including lead, BPA and phthalates: “Beyond Lead; Toxins in Toys”. Sadly, the most readily available wooden toy makers, Melissa and Doug, and Hape have moved toy production to China and are thus now to bought with caution.
A new documentary, The Human Experiment, is a frightening depiction of how all the chemicals we are exposed to everyday may be the worst chemical disaster in human history. It is certainly easier to put your head in the ground and ignore the scary reality, but for the sake of our children we really must pay attention. I, too, have let my 17-month old daughter to chew on all sorts of plastic products because it keeps her happy in the moment. I pledge to change this today. While chemical and plastic exposure is unavoidable, it can and should be minimized whenever possible.
Good luck, parents. And when in doubt, stainless steel pots and pans have, and always will be, a favorite for all children.