We often say, “It runs in the family” as a way of explaining what we think of as genetic ailments, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and more. However the medical community has learned through decades-long studies of epigenetics and the human microbiome that many diseases thought to be genetic are also likely associated with factors we can control. These include gut bacteria, exposure to environmental contaminants, and eating habits and are all things that family members have in common. By addressing these factors, many diseases thought to “run in families” can be improved or even reversed.
With that in mind, Dr. De Soto performs an initial “family health visit” where parents and children come in for an appointment together to discover the underlying themes that affect everyone’s health. During this visit, she will address the family’s diet, eating and sleep habits, hobbies and genetic risk factors. She will help you find easy ways to adopt simple, healthy routines.
Naturopathic Family Medicine is about more than just treating sick members of a family. It is about optimizing the health of all members at the same time through healthy habits and routines so that the family as a whole can be at its best.
Dr. De Soto offers gentle, safe and natural treatments for such ailments as: